Thursday, July 12, 2007

Encouraging Words

Dear Janet,
I am Shiva Nami, Iranian and at the moment I live in Auckland, New Zealand. I heard about Pakistani women camp through a friend of mine who is photographer.
It is really impressive to see all your effort for organising this camp for Pakistani women.
I come from very similar culture in Iran and I know how it can be hard for society to understand about women mountaineering. Although I believe your camp will be very successful.
I had same kind of experience when I was in Iran. I was a member of the first Iranian Rock Climbing National team in 1997 and it was really hard situation and very restricted situation for us to train .However, we made it and even few years' later two Iranian women managed to climb Mount Everest.

I am writing to you to see wish you all the best and also I would be very happy if I can help in this matter.
Kind regards,

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